QOLIVET Homepage


Meaningful participant involvement in service development improves QoL impacts


Collaboration with communities and other agencies enhances QoL outcomes


Respect, dignity, equality, participation and rights are key building blocks of a life lived well


Both subjective and objective QoL improvements need to be monitored


Better QoL is a key performance indicator for both community care and VET services


Enhanced QoL must be supported by system policies, processes and training


Inclusive learning and person-centered strategies promote better QoL


Active involvement in goal-setting and assessing outcomes are key to positive QoL achievements

What we do

The focus of the QOLIVET project is upon the QoL impacts of programmes and delivery mechanisms in community care and vocational education and training (VET). The target audience is anyone working in, or receiving, services, across the spectrum, from community care, independent living, and rehabilitation to services focused on developing pre-vocational and vocational knowledge and skills.


The e-learning materials presented are targeted at frontline staff working in community care and VET service. They are intended to introduce staff to a model of QoL that can inform their practice and the principles supporting more responsive and inclusive interventions and supports.

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QOL Impact Assessment Tool

The aim of the Quality-of-Life Impact Assessment Tool (QIAT) is to offer an online assessment tool that can gather the perceptions of both staff and participants about the extent to which a service impacts positively on the Quality of Life (QoL) of participants in community care and VET services.

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Good Practice Guidelines

The Good Practice Guidelines are intended to establish a basis for developing more effective systems and services to enhance the QoL impact of the community care and VET sectors for participants with disabilities.

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